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Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Last night we celebrated our friend Meghan's birthday with pizza and good wine. She brought the wine, some favorites she saves for special occasions. One was a slim bottle of ice wine from Canada. A friend of hers picked it up in Canada, so it wasn't that expensive for him, but it retails for $88 in the States. And it wasn't even a full bottle; it was 200 ml. I calculated that a regular-sized bottle would cost $330. (!!!) Then I calculated that since four of us only got about a third of a glass each, or slightly over one fluid ounce, our sipping experience broke down to $22 a person. (!!!!)

It was a strange experience, drinking something that expensive. I wanted it to be a life-changing moment, but it really wasn't. It tasted a lot like the mead we get from a honey factory in Durango, Colorado, that costs about $8 a bottle. Knowing I could get the same taste on my tongue for $80 less made the expensive wine even less appealing.

And I've always wanted to try ice wine. All in all, a disappointing experience.


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