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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Oh, coffee!

It seems to me that a lot of people take dramatic pride in being seriously addicted to coffee. I am not one of them. Never got hooked during all-nighters in college--of course, had there been any semblence of a real cafe in my "college" town, I might have.

After college, I worked in a cafe near Northwestern for a bit, just to make friends. Nope. No new addiction then, either.

It was one of the most fun jobs, though, and I did develop a longing for the smell. What that scent can stand for! If I even get a whiff of coffee beans now, I start longing for the Unicorn Cafe again, and the whole coffee house culture.

Sometimes I linger in the coffee aisle at Winn-Dixie.

Today, I don't know, I was with Tim, and he and I treat grocery shopping like antiquing or something. We were perusing the shelves at Fresh Market, and while he bent over the cheese selection trying to find the cheapest decent parmesan, I turned around to find the coffee aisle! Buckets and buckets of coffee beans--there were at least forty different roasts. I lifted lids and waved my hands over them, trying to waft the smells my way. Finally I saw their bargain selection, a bunch of decaf French Roast that had been discontinued. Half-price. I thought, "Wouldn't it be a good idea to have some coffee around just in case?" Just in case what, I don't know, because we're firmly established tea drinkers. But I mentioned it to Tim, anyway.

"You're evil, woman," he said. "Do you know how long it took me to wean myself of drinking coffee?" (another former barrista)

But $4 for a pound of good coffee is fantastic, so I shook the beans into the grinder, and selected Coarse for our french press.

And I felt guilty, even at the cheap price, for it seems so indulgent to buy stores of something we only drink as a special treat.

I remember when I got my first job, which paid pretty well for a first real job, it was really exciting to be able to indulge, treat myself to things I'd never before considered purchasing for myself. Clothes, dinners out, fancy lattes. That lasted until Tim, who is frugal to the core.

But now, I guess, treats really do feel like treats again, so I am daydreaming about curling up around a warm cup of coffee some cool winter morning.


Blogger Skeezix said...

I never got hooked on the coffee either, and too I love it's smell. I'll have a cup here and there, and have recently discovered a really good skim cappucino. But I try to limit that to once or twice a month.

9:30 AM  

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