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Thursday, October 27, 2005

I have friends

I have friends now. It's strange and wonderful. I've never had friends like this.

I know them both from work. Sally, I recruited to play on my tennis team. We were partners last night and lost mightily, but had so much fun.

Fran and I have sipped wine together at an art museum First Friday event. Last weekend, I took her to my bead store, then we drove around town to various craft stores looking for sheet metal. Later, we went to Sonic, drank limeades, and sat in the car talking for a long time.

This weekend, I'm having them over for chili and pumpkin pie, a Halloween movie party just for us. Today we're carving a pumpkin together for work's Fall Festival carving contest.

They just popped into my office with a limeade for me. So when I said it's also strange having friends, it's because I'm not used to such thoughtful people. A limeade is not much, but remembering I like plain lime and not cherry lime is a thoughtful gesture to me.

So cool and wonderful.


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