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There’s something about Sunday night
that really makes you want to kill yourself
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Thursday, October 13, 2005


Crunch, crunch, crunch. I've started to notice I step out of my car in the work lot onto a bed of dried leaves. So I have to take back my original assertion that Alabama doesn't have a fall. Because the weather is still warmer than warm, I haven't noticed that a few trees are browning. There's a tree at work, with shrub-like properties, that had green berries all summer. I just realized they are turning orange now. Which makes me remember how last Christmas, they were bright red, and looked perfect to turn into a holly wreath.

I love the fall so much. The evenings now dip into the 60s, and when I drive home from work, the car is still heated from a day in the sun, but my arm out the window feels cool; the wind against it has a decided chill.

I'm ready to break out my jean jacket. Shawls. Fuzzy slippers. Cuddles under blankets. Hot apple cider. Soup. Roasted chicken. Pumpkins.

I miss Kansas every fall.


Blogger Lesley said...

Oh, I agree so much. Fall is finally here, too -- even though today was still around 70. But that scent of fall is in the air, and the humidity is gone. I can't wait to get to the Farmer's Market soon and buy pumpkins -- some for carving, some for baking. And cider!

2:46 PM  
Blogger amy corinne said...

I came home to find that the boys had opened the windows of our house today! It's so fallish and cozy. Plus, I've worn my jean jacket thrice this week.

3:49 PM  

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