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Thursday, September 21, 2006

A tangle in the brain

My brain has been knotted up lately over something, and I'm not really to articulate it yet, but it's not going away.

How do you deal when for years you've believed one thing, held one aspect of a belief--subjectively and objectively speaking the right side to take--and then one day, you suddenly have a different feeling about it, one that just doesn't seem right, or PC, or proper, but you still have changed your mind, regardless of how wrong or guilty that makes you feel? How do you regain your equilibrium?



Blogger Hannah said...

Which makes me totally wonder what is going on. i haven't seen you in so long...for living only 10 minutes away.

However...I would say, you wait it out. Eventually it integrates and becomes part of you.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I think it is different for everyone. I tend to obsess endlessly about things. Really it all comes down to when you are ready to say it outloud (that's what I do) or write it down (for others) then you now that you have wrapped your mind around it and dealt with it.

9:19 PM  

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