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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Back to school

I went to campus today, to get my student ID and pick up the transit pass. I also went to the student union for the book store, and bought an incredibly expensive used book, thus completing my textbook collection for first semester.

I felt old. I haven't been on a campus in years, and walking past eighteen-year-old new freshmen made me feel like I was from another planet.

I walked past one of the dorm on the way to the union, and I tried to remember how I felt at this time, many years ago, when I was getting ready to start college. It was pretty painful to even think about. I'm glad it's something that I've moved past and won't have to repeat. But it's on my mind because of starting school again.

I'm terrified, yet can't wait to start. I'm scared I'll turn shy again and won't be able to make friends with my classmates, but I'm excited to have new friends, and to delve into something that I'm passionately interested in. I have no idea what to expect.



Blogger Hannah said...

it's going to be fine. You will make friends...and it's exciting that you'll be studying something you are passionate about.

3:14 PM  

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