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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Winter solstice

I've always wanted to celebrate the solstice. The last time I did was in high school, when Hannah had a solstice party. I think we probably had dinner, then sat around talking all night. Though that's probably how our group of friends passed many of evenings together, this was different because we didn't usually hang out at Hannah's, and celebrating the solstice was special--almost deviant in the area we grew up--which probably led to its allure.

Though I've never actually took the time to become knowledgeable about ancient pagan rituals, I've always been drawn to them. Being able to celebrate the solstice--well, what does that even mean?

Tonight we had a few friends over, and we grilled and ate by candlelight. I don't know if Tim thought there was a bunch of frozen meat we needed to eat, or if he wanted to cook by fire--for he mentioned a tradition that on the solstice, you extinguish all the fire by the end of the night. (And I'm too lazy to Google for that information.)

I do a lot of apologizing for our apartment. The carpet is dirty and stained, and we never seem to have control over the clutter.

But in candlelight, it's perfect. And as Tim and his castmates left to do another run of "Christmas Carol," I blew out the candles and was left alone with only the weak light from our tiny Christmas tree.

It was peaceful. Quiet. Calm. Mindful.

It seemed like the perfect way to celebrate the solstice. And lo, another tradition is born.


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