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Thursday, August 23, 2007


I'm in the middle of preparing for my birthday party tonight, a dessert extravaganza. It just stopped lightning-ing and thundering, and the air is now cool and drizzling. It reminds me of late-summer Kansas.

Preparing for the party reminds me of Alabama. My main social outlet for a while there was having parties. I'd spend the afternoon planning the menu, shopping, and preparing. I'm like pathologically organized, so there usually weren't any last-minute scrambles. The party almost wasn't the point; the preparation was.

When I've told people about this party, their usual response is, "but it's your birthday! You shouldn't be the one making everything." They don't realize that it's the best present to myself--getting to daydream about what deliciousness I'm going to cook, poring over my overstuffed recipe collectiong, preparing the food, and hosting the party.

The party starts in two and a half hours, and everything is mostly ready. Pictures to follow.



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