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There’s something about Sunday night
that really makes you want to kill yourself
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Night owl

I've never been a night owl. Not even in college, when all my friends were pulling all-nighters. I was still in bed by 10 or 11. There seemed to be something exotic about it, and I was hopelessly boring--needing my good eight hours of sleep.

As I've gotten older, I realized my perfect amount of sleep is only seven, but that still doesn't turn me into a late-night bird.

Until recently. I think it's the busyness. I come home late, and catch a second wind to stay up doing the things I normally do during regular evening hours. Cleaning, preparing meals for the next day, listening to music, watching NetFlix. It seems to be the only time I have totally to myself. Ironic that I can say that, considering my summer and the apartment are all my own.

But these late hours have become special to me. I'm tired in the morning, hitting the snooze many times, but it occurred to me that no matter how much sleep I get, I am always still sleepy in the morning and reluctant to get out of bed.


Blogger Lesley said...

ditto ditto ditto! I pulled one all-nighter a few years ago and I was literally ill the next day. The latest I stay up any more is midnight; I find that I love the time from 9 to 12. I always feel like I can do whatever I want then, unlike the rest of the day when pressures and deadlines ask for certain tasks to be completed.

Recent NetFlix (Freaks and Geeks), recent writing (job materials... but sometimes, fiction I'm dabbling at), and recent reading (Harry Potter, of course)..... these are what comprise my late nights.

11:25 AM  

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