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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I'm married to an actor!

My baby's a real live professional actor. (Also, he's the proud owner of a continually waxed handlebar mustache.)

I've seen him in "Tartuffe," but not "The Tempest" yet. My parents and Busia have been raving about his performance as Ariel. Pretty much any time I gather with my extended family, they won't shut up about what a talented actor he is. (It really sort of gets old for me.) No, actually, I am exceedingly proud.

And now he's been offered a real role (two, actually, minor ones) at the Writers Theatre in Glencoe, in "As You Like It." He told me about the audition right after he had it (drove five hours from Door County on his day off just to audition), and it sounded like he knocked their socks off. He knew a few of the people in the room (casting directors and such), which is always a good thing. After he did his monologues, they asked if he minded doing a cold reading. This isn't something they always request--it's a good sign when they do! They gave him a part of "As You Like It," one he understudied at Alabama. After he did it, they marvelled at him being able to do it without really keeping his eyes glued to the script, and he was all, "well, I'm pretty familiar with the play . . ."

So now he has a real contract for January rehearsals, and February and March for performance! It pays a living wage and everything!

It's just about the most exciting thing that has happened lately. It's an excellent, well-respected theater, and will give him some great connections! He's getting known, at least on the audition circuit, and that can only bring wonderful things.

I'm so proud!

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Blogger Lesley said...

That's fantastic! Great picture. Congrats to Tim on the contract.

11:18 AM  
Blogger molly said...

That's so great!

11:25 AM  

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