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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Reason #1 why the south is better than Chicago

We went to a baseball game tonight. It was raining when we arrived, so the crowd huddled under the awnings to wait it out. Tim pointed out a girl with particularly nice calves. By the time the rain cleared and we found our seats, we discovered she was sitting next to us. Tim offered her his shirt to dry off her seat and she said, "Thanks . . . hey! You're a Shakespeare actor! I just saw your show!" and she introduced him (and me) to her family, and for the rest of the game, they talked about the theatre and exercise (she was a new massage therapist for a spa/gym in town). Her name was Chrystal, as most girls in Alabama under the age of 24 are named. She was at the game because of one of Tim's co-stars, who called up the baseball stadium and offered her voice for the national anthem.

The stadium gave a shout-out to all the actors, and one of Tim's classmates won a customized baseball in a raffle. I caught a hotdog from the hotdog cannon. I kept looking around, expecting to see people I knew.

As fun as Wrigley Field is, nothing like this would ever happen there. I like this small town.

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