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There’s something about Sunday night
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Monday, April 24, 2006


I have mentally checked out of my job. The unfortunate thing is that I still have three months to go. I know a lot of my burnout probably has to do with knowing I'm leaving soon, and being ready to move on. But I think a lot of it just is burnout; I'd be ready for something new even if I didn't already have something new to move onto.

Today I got so irritated with a client that I ended our session early. She's just waiting for her husband to get help so she can go back to him. I just don't want to deal with that kind of stuff anymore. I have very little patience for people who stay in bad relationships in general. I'm able to put that judgment on hold for abusive situations, though. I know that it's not a black-and-white situation, that there's so much complication, that the power dynamic keeps the woman from leaving, but I'm tired of it. I'm most tired of people who refuse to see truth in their lives. Who fail to understand what I think is the simplest of all concepts: you're the one who can change yourself, and other people change themselves. You can't do a damn thing about someone else if they don't want to change.

I'm also tired of people who excuse things by saying, "but he's such a good father!" If he was even a half-way decent father, he wouldn't hit his children's mom in front of them.



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