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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What I've been doing

I haven't posted in a while because all the days can all be summed up in a few words: "missing Tim. Stressing about the job search."

That gets boring after a while. I've decided in an attempt to keep my spirits up (though that's almost a lost cause by now), I'm going to think of at least one good thing every day.

Today, I am adored by the current ladies in the shelter. I've been working more frequently, which gives me more opportunities to get to know them. I will occasionally second guess my skills, which I'm going to spin positively and say that's me always striving to be better, but lately it has occurred to me that my real talents lay in relationship building. I like to think that because they can tell I like and respect them, and am interested in their lives, they in turn respect me.

My old supervisor said that once the clients like you, you're sunk. She also worked with a lot of people with personality disorders, so I'm going to disregard that for my work. Things go a lot more smoothly when I am able to get along well with my clients.


Blogger Sarah said...

I am with you on the stressing part. Good luck in your job search I know the perfect one is out there just waiting for you and I bet it won't be too long for you :)

8:55 PM  

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