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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Big blinking neon life arrows

I feel like the universe is presenting me with a bunch of enormous, blinking, neon arrows (and did I mention "with bling"?) pointing to this job I just interviewed for.

I got in for an interview because the girl who worked my internship last year now works at the agency. She gave me the supervisor's name and number after I didn't hear anything further from the web submission of my resume.

One of the counselors at my internship said, "Oh, who's the supervisor? I know so-and-so," who, it turns out, is the program director and sat in on my interview. I was able to name drop (fun!), "Oh, I think we have a mutual colleague . . ."

I had mixed feelings about the job, though; preconceived notions that, though the interview smashed through them, were hard to shake.

So I went to talk to my favorite professor. "Is this agency good? Is this position worthy?" She said yes, and mentioned that she thought a former student of hers, D--, might work there. "D--?" I said. "What's his last name?"

It turns out that he is the same man I corresponded with after I was accepted to grad school. He was just finishing up his last year and had volunteered to contact incoming students to answer any questions they had. I had a million. We e-mailed each other for 2 months!

So I called him at work. I think he vaguely recognized my name. He was very nice and helpful (just like two years ago) and gave me his work address so we could e-mail further and I could pick his brain about this job.

The upshot of it all is that, if I don't get called back for a second interview, or even offered the job, I'm going to be seriously pissed.

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